How to Align Sales and Marketing to Close More Deals

According to John Arnold, Principal Analyst at Forrester, technology and business decision-makers in sales are almost twice as likely as their marketing counterparts to say that marketing teams work independently of other internal functions. Furthermore, a mere 10% of sales and marketing leaders report that their sales reps receive high-quality leads.  Unfortunately, the consequences of misalignment […]

Five Key Sales Challenges to Overcome in 2024

As the saying goes, “change is the only constant,” and 2023 was no exception. The market saw many problems in sales: inflation and global conflicts roiled markets, causing some companies to tighten budgets and delay expenditures. B2B sellers often faced friction in the buying process, forcing them to cede more control to buyers, increase transparency […]

How to Turn Your SKO into Year-Long Sales Success

The sales kickoff meeting also known as, SKO, is much more than a routine annual gathering; it’s the vital catalyst that ignites a year of sales success. However, the challenge often lies in harnessing the energy and strategies from your SKO meeting in a way that doesn’t just ignite a fleeting spark but rather fuels […]

Maximizing Sales Forecasting Accuracy: Innovative Strategies for 2024 and Beyond

Sales Forecasting Accuracy

Navigating the intricate landscape of sales forecasting can often feel like solving a complex puzzle, especially for savvy business professionals. This challenge is highlighted by a striking statistic from the CSO Insights 2017 World Class Sales Practices Study: only 40% of respondents stated that their ability to close deals as forecasted either met or exceeded expectations. […]

B2B Enterprises and the Rise of Customer-Centricity Software

The B2B enterprise landscape has undergone a significant transformation over the years, with organizations placing a heightened emphasis on their customers. With the advent of digital technology, businesses have had to adapt to an increasingly complex environment characterized by more decision-makers, longer deal cycles, higher pricing points, and a plethora of competing channels. The digital […]

Setting Sales Quotas for Sales Operations Leaders

Sales Quotas

What are Sales Quotas? Sales quotas are the pre-established objectives that a salesperson or a sales team must achieve within a designated time frame. Quotas can be defined as revenue goals, units sold, or new customers acquired. Meeting these targets contributes to organizational success. But sales quotas can also be designed to challenge sales reps […]

How Customer Relationship Mapping Shortens the Sales Cycle

Many B2B companies sell into the enterprise market, which often means deals are large, complex, and long-cycle. These deals have come to be known as “megadeals.” These types of deals involve a higher-than-average number of stakeholders and decision-makers. Many of whom have conflicting goals and needs.   In a recent McKinsey article, Landing the Megadeal – […]

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